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roll film 攝影膠卷。


The company develops the production the panoramic camera to use 120 or220 roll films , the lens focal distance scope : 28 - 300mm , the fuselageuses the pure metal numerical control processing , but preciselyestablishes the shooting angle , the entire automatic attire volume , receives the volume , and may control remotely the photography , in thephotography may the automatic compensation exposure ; the panoramicpicture enlarger and bright room panoramic picture making anenlargement machine may use in 80 cm length the panoram negative , extremely conveniently manufactures each kind of width the panoramicpicture 公司研制生產的全景照相機使用120或220膠卷,鏡頭焦距范圍: 28 - 300mm ,機身采用全金屬數控加工,可精確設定拍攝角度,全自動裝卷收卷,并可遙控拍攝,拍攝中可自動補償曝光全景照片放大機和明室全景照片擴印機可用cm長度內的全景底片,非常方便地制作各種寬度的全景照片。

The control circuit of aerial camera has the functions that self - correcting shutter , automatic exposure , automatic adjusting speed and rolling films . it radically realizes taking pictures in focus in uav at the station of high altitude and high speed 航空偵察照相機控制電路具有對航空相機自動快門調節、自動曝光和自動調速走片的功能,從根本上實現了無人駕駛飛機航空照相機在高空高速狀態下的清晰拍攝。

The department implemented the document management system in may 2003 . as a result , images of the tax returns were captured and stored in servers instead of roll films , thus saving some 350 roll films each year 本局在2003年5月推行文件管理系統,報稅表的影像因此可以貯存在伺服器,無須使用菲林,藉此每年節省350卷菲林。

Micrographics rules for microfilming technical drawings and technical documentations on 35mm roll film 縮微攝影技術用35mm卷片拍攝技術圖樣和技術文件的規定

Photography - roll films , 126 , 110 and 135 - size films - identification of the image - bearing side iso 897 : 2000 攝影. 126 110和135規格膠卷.成相面的識別

Rolled film to be packed in carton , 6 rolls per pallet , also cutable as required 卷材使用紙箱包裝,一箱一卷,一托板六箱,也可按客戶要求分切、包裝。

Picture sizes and printing masks for roll films no 120 , no 220 and film 70 mm 120號和220號膠卷以及70mm膠片的圖像尺寸和印片遮片

Microfilm roll film 縮微膠片卷筒式

Photography . roll films , 126 , 110 and 135 size films . identification of the image - bearing side 126 110和135規格膠卷載像面的識別

Would you please get two kodak roll films for me when you go to the supermarket 5你去超市時能把我買兩個柯達膠卷嗎?

Photography - cameras using 35 mm film and roll film - picture sizes 攝影技術.使用35mm膠片和膠卷的攝影機.畫面尺寸

Photography - roll film cameras - back window location and picture sizes 攝影技術.膠卷相機.后窗位置和畫面尺寸

Micrographics - microfilming for ancient books on 35 mm roll film 縮微攝影技術在35mm卷片上拍攝古籍的規定

Micrographics - microfilming for ancient books on 16 mm roll film 縮微攝影技術在16mm卷片上拍攝古籍的規定

Photography . dimensions for 120 and 620 roll film and backing paper 攝影. 120和620膠卷及襯紙

Back window location for roll film cameras 卷膠照相機用后視窗位置

Here also will be the place where your most roll film spends 這里也將是您最花費鏡頭的地方。

Sensitive surfaces . dimensions for 127 roll film and backing paper 感光材料. 127膠卷和襯紙

Photography - exposed roll films - identification 攝影技術.已曝光膠卷.標識